Thursday, December 1, 2011

on the road again.

I'm moving. shocker. Let me explain, turns out my whole major is online therefor no reason to stay in the tundra. I will be taking all online classes next semester and moving to Tim's or should I say home. I will be moving right into our new house, which should be freshly painted along with a new fridge, kitchen floor, and some fancy furniture :) I am beyond excited! being up here without him just isn't the same. I have gone through so much work trying to get my new life all figured out that if you ever need advice on online classes let me know! Right now I get a computer through the school but turns out being an online student takes away that privilege....hmm. So if anyone would like to donate to my computer fund let me know ;) a silver mac is calling my name...

My job. Well after two months I quite tonight. My last day is the December 13th which also means I get to be home for Christmas :) I have been applying to several different jobs around Milan so, keep your fingers crossed! I am just so happy to be able to go back and be at home, I can barely wait!! Pictures of the new house coming soooon!!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Ok so I haven't been blogging lately and that could be because I am trying to figure out the next 2 years of my life in about two days. I have decided that since my new job made a rule that almost no one can go home for Christmas I have decided to make my own rule. By taking all classes online I will be free to move wherever I want, and I think we all know that "wherever" I want is Milan, with Tim. I will also be able to quite my job and go home. It will also give me a chance to work more if I take online classes in turn having more money.Overall its a pretty good deal, I also have a meeting at Morris on Tuesday. Let me bring you up to speed, I may also be transferring next year to the University of Minnesota, Morris. Yeah things are sure changing I hope you can all keep up!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


The things this dog puts up with :) but, isnt he the cutest thing ever?!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So, last night was my first official night of working at my new job. Well, after a meltdown in front of my manager, and only two tables later, I was feeling pretty down. I made about $34 which for only two tables isn’t too shabby. May I also mention that none of us were really trained in on ANYTHING, and pretty much just told to go for it...anyways I couldn’t sleep last night because I was terrified of going back, I mean when you cry on the first day, it’s not like you’re going back to Disneyworld. So, after some sleep and class it was time to go back. I got all ready and left hoping for the best! I got a section in the bar with one of my now new friends Meghan, so I was feeling pretty confident. The bartenders were super cool and I had four high top tables with about 3-4 stools on each, I thought, I got this! Well I did :) I walked out tonight with about $140 in tips and worked for about six. Granted the last hour i did practically nothing except wait for my table of four, who I thought for sure was going to run the bud light keg dry! Overall it was great and I am now super excited to go back tomorrow, oh yeah, and the next day. Unlike my other job I have found people who I like and would consider being friends with. So, after work me and my new friend Alex sat and had some margaritas while these three drunk guys hit on us haha, needless to say it was a pretty good night. It is now 12:30 am and I am just getting home pretty much, and have a lab book to work on and 8 am class. Even Stella is making all sorts of noise in my room and I could really care less J

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Yes mother, I know this is your all time FAVORITE blog post! I'm glad you're soo proud :) on a lighter note...yes, I got a tattoo, which for those of you who know me it shouldn't be a huge shocker. Considering what my ears look like which, again, mother soo proud :) It says "never a failure, always a lesson" yes it does mean something to me. I have gone through a lot to get where I am today in my education and although I have felt like I have failed I was only learning along the way. And it was either this or I love Kelly Bestul, which was a close second ;) and no Ann I don't know how to rotate it..

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This is what happens when we havent seen eachother in 5 days. Or, in some cases, 5 minutes. Welcome to my life...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

202 miles.

So, I hadnt seen Tim in three weeks, and for those of you who have had to deal with me in these past three weeks, thank you. I had 24 hours to see my boyfriend and I was bound and determined to make it happen. I left Crookston at noon on friday and Milan at noon on Saturday, that is a total of seven hours of driving. For normal people thats crazy, but I look at it as a trip to Winona. It was worth every minute I had to spend in the car just for a simple hug from someone who means the world to me. We have three more weeks till we see eachother again,  so bear with me people! On a lighter note we bought a house! I love this song, and Tim, I miss you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

rume rume shines again

This weekend is the annual MN 4-H State Horse Show! WOOHOO!!! Even though I am too old to compete :( Rumer isn't, and will once again be making her final debut! My friend Katie's little sister Keri (or according to my biology teacher, my little sister) will be showing Rumer in the all around events and has added pressure to continue on Rumers success, with winning a class, or two :) I have mixed emotions about going, good and bad. I'm over joyed to be going again, considering I think it is the best show of the season, besides all the drama. I am a little sad to be watching Rumer shine with out me, but, will be one happy girl knowing she will do awesome! I am so blessed to have such an awesome horse that not only I have had great success, but, that I have someone else that can share and have the same opportunities to have one of the greatest experiences of my life, winning a state title :) GO KERI!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

just another manic monday..

I can almost guarantee this will be in your head for the rest of the day :) you're welcome!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

366 days

Tim came to see me this last Friday and just left this morning :( It was our one year anniversary yesterday! WOOHOO!!! We went to Fargo to eat dinner and just hang out, and of course we had to stop at sears in the mall so I could check out the clearance section for my favorite brands :) Over all it was a great day and I was so happy we could spend it together even though we are three and half hours away from each other. I would have posted a picture with this post but those didn't turn out so comment. But, I should probably get back to my creative writing class which reminds me everyday that I have nothing creative or interesting to write about my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


if this dog could talk.

bio 1009

So, it's my second day of school for the fall semester and I have placed myself in a 1000 level class. For those of you who don't know what that means, one word, FRESHMAN. I am surrounded by people who are four years younger than me and do not know a single person. If this isn't a lesson in doing things right the first time, I don't know what is. Oh, and my teacher's name is Ms. Elf and she looks like she practices which craft, which just adds more humor to this sticky situation.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm leeeeeeeving on a jet plane....

TOMORROW!! Tim and I are boarding a plane to California to see my favorite, Kelly Bestul and of course Erik too :) I am sooo excited and so is Tim, considering he has never seen an ocean! Our days will be filled with beaches and sun and to me is the perfect way to end the summer! And I do mean end of summer considering I get home about 36 hours before my first class of the semester, and did I mention I have nothing packed for school...? oops! oh well, nothing but a worry free week before a long 4 months :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

my trusty steed.

Rumer did it again! She will once again be returning to the 4H State Horse Show! Congrats to Keri on an awesome show and hopefully be able to win back to back western pleasure championships! This horse is simply a dream, and I have missed her these past few days. Can't wait for September!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

counting down the days.

I have ten more days of my job from hell....lets just say I saw singing
 this allll the way home tonight from work :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

i'm baaaacckkkkkk.

and I promise to stay.
Tim and I went to the MN Zoo last week and here is what we saw.
Camels chillin in the water....don't they come from the desert..?

Friday, April 29, 2011

fisher, MN

Here is a sneak peak of my new apartment, in fisher. About seven minutes from campus and 15 minutes closer to my work. It is 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, I live with my roomate Sam who is from Crookston. To get the real tour you must come visit....cough cough family.

thanks for visiting :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

writers block.

While trying to write a blog I have found out how boring my life really is. No joke, all I seem to do is sleep, go to work, clean my room, go to work, play with Prince, go to work, play with Stella, try to not let Prince kill Stella, go to work, take Prince outside, go to work, tell Prince no to chewing on my uggs, go to work,tell Stella that no, candles are not ferret friendly, go to work, I think you get the idea. So, if there is anything you would like to hear from me, or have another idea about a challenge let me know!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

marilyn monroe

AHHHHHH!!!! sooo excited :) I picked this little beauty up at gordmans for the steal price of about $30 :)
Right now its just keeping Stella company but, come may, it will be hanging in my new apartment proudly :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

trailways :)

I GOT A JOB! for the summer. With no faith from Tim, I got one in one day, yes, impressive I know. It's at a little truck stop cafe in Montevideo, MN which is about 15 minutes away. It is very family orientated and to say the least I am VERY excited :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

California oh how I miss you

Well I tried blogging the other day but, apparently it did not work, my apologies. Every year since I have been in college so, two and a half I have gone to California for spring break, this year is different. When the flights went up to about $600 I knew it just wasn't gonna happen and I was sad but i was its ok, and me and Tim decided that we might road trip it in august. Well now seeing every ones statuses about going somewhere warm and sunny and flying and what not it really made me sad. I only see my cousin about three times a year and this is the big hurray, not to mention the pinkberry. The warm weather, the beach, Santa Monica, just everything. I was fine until today and now I'm thinking about going to sell my blood to go (just kidding) but, really. Its not the same and the fact that it snowed about 5 inches last night made it even worse. I am however excited to see my family but sadly they all also live in Minnesota...I guess I will just have to get my annual California flip flops at the Winona Target, I think I just died a little...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

getting a little excited...

As many of you already know I am moving, yes, moving and if not well, surprise! To where may you ask? Milan, MN located right in the center of nowhere (jk Tim) but, really. For the summer of 2011 my new residence will be Milan. No, we are not living with Tim's parents but with his sister in a house big enough for three, kind of. While preparing for this not so small move considering it consists of me, a dog, a ferret, three horses, and an abundance of clothes it takes some work. There are also some things already happening to the house where we will be living, considering right now Tim doesn’t really have a room and more of a bed in the middle of an open room. We are redoing the upstairs were we will have a room and a huge walk in closet and the level all to ourselves. But, with redoing comes new things (:  and considering together we have nothing that we both like we decided to go shopping for, I must be honest things I like and that Tim can learn…to like (: Well while walking into bed bath and beyond together we just got overjoyed with love and new things! Here’s a preview of some of the things we bought, it will be a good two months before you get the final product.
every room has to smell good :) and ours will be doing it in style!
Stella wanted to be in the picture, it looks tan but there a light green.
Same here the sheets are green and the comforter is white.
FAVORITE! all we need is a little table to put them on :)
Some fancy wall decor

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Meet Philipe an elegant grey hound with dashing posture, what's another animal added to my zoo?
 Lord help me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

busy bee

I am sorry I have been neglecting my blog….I know the five of you out there are very upset but, no worries I am BACK! I have been busier than ever with my new job and a new puppy, yes, a puppy. (more to come soon) Tim and I are also trying to plan a spring break trip to California that is in two weeks and do you think we have our tickets yet? You guessed it, NO. So, hang in there gang I promise I will make it up to you.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Sorry for the delay of about a week but, I have been EXTREMLY busy (sister). Anyways I just wanted to wish everyone a happy heart day and although it has nothing to do with Z, who cares. It's beautiful outside and even though I am not a fan of Valentines Day because its a cheesey way for Hallmark to make money, the weather has put a smile on my face :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011


As cheesey as it may sound to some, today is mine and Tim's 5 month anniversary :)

Winona, MN

Winona to me is home sweet home. A little town in the south east corner of Minnesota right next to Wisconsin. It's where I grew up and have lived my whole life. Most of my family is located close and I wouldn't have it any other way. It has beautiful bluffs and scenery and living up here in the tundra makes me miss it someday's. I always enjoy going home, and there really is no place like home.


The Packers just won the 45th Super bowl, 31-25 against the Steelers. Congrats Packers!! Although I could care less I know my parents are very happy and our dog Packer is probably doing a little dance ;)


UGGS, to me are a way of life. Just kidding but really as soon as snow hits the ground my Uggs are on my feet. I have four pairs and would wear them every day of the year if I wouldn’t get severely judged considering I live in Minnesota. If I could I would make sure every girl and boy in the world would own a pair and yes Kelly that means you too! They are comfy and cute and come in an abundance of colors. And are the most stylist winter boots you can buy! If you don’t have some already I would suggest getting up and getting some, spring is coming soon!
Even Stella likes them!

timmy tim.

This is simply a shout out to my boyfriend, Tim. Who means the world to me and is simply the best.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stellie Menellie

Stella’s all time favorite sleeping place? In my make shift IKEA dresser, with my tank tops. Yes, she crawls up three drawers and through the hand rail and makes a little nest. She will sleep there for hours, this may be the only time she is not getting into trouble.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

oh Robin where art thou.

Seeing a Robin is usually the first sign of spring, well, where the heck are they! I am usually a lover of all the white stuff outside and some brisk winter days but, -45 is not brisk, it's deadly. I cringe when I walk outside and my poor little cavalier can’t handle this. A polar bear I don’t think would even want to live here and global warming can kiss my ass. So, I guess I will just keep waiting till the little bird with a red chest arrives in my front yard. Till then, I will keep bundled up in 20 layers and uggs :)

Quail yes. Que tips no.

Since everyone LOOOOOVED the owls, I figured you would love the Quail just as much :)

Monday, January 31, 2011


The Green Bay Packers have won more championships -- 12 -- than any other team in National Football League history. They have also won three Superbowl titles and will hopefully be winning another one this Sunday against the Pittsburgh Steelers. GO PACK GO!

owls :)

heres some cuties to make you smile :)


Meet Briella, my niece. Even though I live seven hours away from everyone I still continue to have really good relationships with all of my family. She is 15 months old and as cute as a button J She has also put a dent in my checking account because when I walk into baby Gap they know me by name. I can’t wait till she’s older, the clothes are much cuter, and doing things with her when she actually can say my name will be more fun. I do miss not being able to be there for certain things but I’m sure someday she will understand.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

mama mia.

My mom, for those of you who really know me you probably know that we have not always had the best relationship. In high school we didn’t always see eye to eye but as I have moved away and came to college things totally did a 180. I talk to her almost every day and she has become quite the texter, we e mail and have just become a lot closer. I have really learned to appreciate her and the things she does, some may say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, it really does. I really enjoy our relationship and being able to tell her things and joke around. I don’t come home very often but when I do it’s always a good time whether it’s shopping, letting her facebook creep, the occasion Michael Jackson dance offs, or making fun of the neighbors pig. She has really supported me through showing and has become quite the fahsionista. I know that she will be there no matter what I do even if that means moving away, she may even come visit, even though that will consist of bringing the dogs. I consider her one of my close friends and think that everyone should be able to be both friends and a parent with their child. We may not always agree but I wouldn’t change ya for the world. Love love.

Lambeau, Packer, Lexus

I unfortunately don't have any good pictures on my computer

Meet Lambeau, Packer, and Lexus our three golden retrievers. There’s not much to say about them besides there three little peas in a pod. Lambeau and Packer are two years apart and are full brothers, while Lexus is her own breed, literally, she’s crazy. They spend their days laying on there hidea couch in the garage or running through the woods. They spend their evenings by the fire place or curled up on my parent’s leather furniture. Basically doing whatever they please. They are my mother’s favorite children, ask anyone. We have had several batches of puppies which is always fun, and yes mother I know what you’re thinking. I miss them like crazy when I’m at school and even though my roommate has a dog it’s just the same.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

kiss kiss, love love

Cousins are the first friends most people ever have as children. No one will ever understand your crazy family like your cousins. No one knows this better than me and Kelly, my cousin. She is one of my best friends and someone who I tell more to than a normal person should. We have so many inside jokes, the average person would not understand anything we are talking about, and we like it that way. She’s the first one I tell when something good or bad has happened and by just saying one word she knows what I’m talking about. The reason this is a day late is because I spent all day yesterday trying to figure out how I could put what she means to me into words and I hope I’m doing an ok job. I don’t think I would have gotten through high school or going through college without her. Between the drama, roommates, boys, and grades she is always there pushing me to be my best or just listen to me vent about the crazy things in my life. She doesn’t judge and has helped me through the most difficult times. I spend every spring break in California visiting her and wouldn’t have it any other way. She is also my number one care package sender, other family members take note. Her family is like my second family and who wouldn’t want a cousin as a best friend. I could go on for days about how much Kelly means to me and partly who I am today is because of her but I will keep it short and sweet by saying, Love Love K.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

sarah JESSICA parker

Meet Sarah Jessica Parker, fashionista, or at least on Sex and the City. Having once sat on a couch for 3 days straight watching every episode and a movie my cousin, Kelly, I would have to say I’m in love. As we speak actually I am watching SATC. For those of you who don’t know Sarah is the main character and the show is about her and her three girlfriends living in New York trying to find love. As a bonus I got all the seasons for Christmas J thanks mom. Anyone who hasn’t watched it should. It almost makes you want to pack up and move to New York, if only I could afford the $500 shoes and $1,000 outfits they were to walk down the street ;)


I am living in an igloo. NO joke, with temperatures being -30's for the high and lows in the -40's it’s an igloo. There are drifts taller than my car and it has been snowing for about 23 days in a row. Yes, I chose to live here but my goodness could we get one day of sun? On the plus side, on Tuesday it is supposed to be above 0 wohoo!!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I have been showing and around horses my whole life. I wouldn’t have it any other way and honestly don’t know anything else except summers consisting of being outside in the 100 degree weather with long sleeves on. Starting in WWHSA and moving onto Pinto and Paint I have been having the time of my life and collecting some bragging rights along the way. I will never forget my first horse Fairlight or my fist show horse Norman who has taught me everything I know and  is irreplaceable. Norman couldn’t last forever though as I wanted to move on to more challenging things so, I introduce you to the new line up for 2011.

My trusty steed Dirti Little Rumer aka "Rumer" we have been there, done that, and I wouldn’t change her for the world. She is there for me good day or bad and always knows how to make me smile. She spends her days relaxing and only having to compete in the western events which I’m pretty sure she loves.

Meet Absolootly Obvious aka "Allen" yes, Allen. He is my semi new hunt seat horse with long legs and a big heart. He loves to please and has come a long way in the short year I have owned him. We compete in the English and Showmanship events.

And then there was Portia, the smallest and newest member of the family. She stands about 33 inches tall and shouldn’t get much bigger :) She’s my dad’s favorite and has a mind of her own. She will make her big debut this summer in hopefully the halter events and it should be a very interesting show season with three horses to take care of.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


 I finally did it. I got a NEW JOB!!!!! Goodbye hugos..... hellllooooo Grizzly’s :)
Since I know there is not one in Winona I will explain, it is pretty much a little classier than an Applebee’s. They serve steak, seafood, and your basic hamburgers and fries. I will be a server once I learn the ropes and hopefully make millions or at least the gas money to get there. No, it is not in Crookston let’s get serious here people, it’s in Grand Forks, ND which is about a 30 minute drive which won’t be too bad. So, if any of you are in the GF area stop on in for some good food and great service ;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Friends, family, furball, fondue, fortune cookie, future, fondant, and flamingo’s were just some ideas given to me for today. With some serious business riding on flamingos they have been the chosen idea, yes ladies and gentlemen today is all about the flamingo. Some fun facts, they can range from 3 – 5 feet tall and also are known to live in Africa, Asia, North America, Central America, South America, and Europe. Pink being one of my favorite colors, is ironic because the flamingo is pink only based on what it eats such as, algae, diatoms, and small crustaceans. They can reach speeds of 37 miles per hour while flying to new locations and can fly up to 300 miles. During the day flamingos preen using their bills and spreading oil from a gland near the base of their tail through their feathers. They spend 15 to 30% of the day preening. They live in groups called colonies and they will not nest unless they have other flamingos around them. They have very few predators making them live up to 20 to 30 years. They rest by standing on one leg. The “knee” of the flamingo is actually an ankle joint and the lower leg bends forward. Males and female also look very familiar, however the Andean flamingo has yellow legs and feet. That’s about all I got for today, but I hope everyone enjoyed the fun facts, especially Kelly ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Over the past two and a half years I have evolved into what I think is a much more mature and sure of herself kind of girl then I was before. By packing up and moving seven hours away I didn’t really have a choice, having struggled in high school I knew college would be a challenge. Paying for food and everything else I learned how to budget and handle my money. This year I took an even bigger leap and decided to move off campus and pay rent. So far, so good, I have had to buckle down and work for what I want which in turn I think has made me a better person. If I want something I try my hardest to work to get it, which isn’t always a bad thing. By evolving into this person, it makes me excited to see what the future will bring such as, graduation (some day), marriage, a family maybe even…time will only tell.

Monday, January 17, 2011


A dad is usually a role model, an advice giver, and someone you know will always be there, my relationship with my dad is no different. My dad has been my number one fan for as long as I can remember and has been to every horse show for the past ten years. Why everyone else had a show mom I had a show dad, through the good times and bad he was always there for me. He taught me how to have good sportsmanship whether I got first or last, and to always congratulate the other person no matter what the circumstances are. He has supported me in every decision I have ever made, good and bad, and he is someone I tell everything to. I couldn’t imagine my life without him and feel for some who don’t have the kind of relationship that I do. You only get one set of parents, and I wouldn’t change mine for the world.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chase on the Lake

Tim and I decided we would get away for a weekend and go ice fishing, which led us to Chase on the Lake. The most beautiful hotel I have ever seen with a touch of history.  Opening in 1915 with twenty rooms in Walker, MN, called the Spencer Hotel. The Chase on the lake hotel was to start being built in 1918 in place of the Spencer. The original plan was for 100 rooms with a dining room facing the lake that seated 75 people at one time. The Chases took out the first mortgage of $500.00 at 8% interest with the First National Bank of Walker on March 1, 1922. The complete project cost for the Hotel reached an astounding $150,000. Since then the Hotel has had some MAJOR remodeling, and is now known as one of the top 5 hotels in Minnesota. Equipped with a bowling alley, restaurant, wii room, and lake side shores it is ideal for any Minnesotan looking for a vacation. We had a great time and can't wait to go back; I would recommend this to anyone.

Babe the big blue ox

On our way home this weekend we passed through Bemidji, MN, a medium sized town in northern Minnesota. With much to see we decided to drive downtown and there he was, Babe. For those of you who don’t know who he is let me tell you. Babe was Paul Bunyan's right hand man, and a great helper. For those of you who don’t know who Paul Bunyan is well, there’s Google, because we are nowhere near the P's. Babe did anything from help haul things to eat anything in sight he’s part of a little American history's "tall tales" and can be seen from far far away. His favorite season is summer and he is about 77 years old. So, here he is lady and gentleman, Babe, the big blue ox.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A family.

Amy, Ann, Adam, my siblings. Although I am the youngest and yes, the only one without a name starting with an A we are family and no one can ever change that. We have had our moments where we hate each other and don’t get along but in the end were family. My sister Amy is 32 married with two boys, Caleb and Aiden, along with many pets running around. My sister Ann who I also consider one of my best friends is 30, married, with a little girl named Briella and another little boy on the way. My brother Adam works at sprint and lives in Winona, we went out for new years together and had an interesting time to say the least. I consider myself very close to my family and wouldn’t know what to do without them. Holidays are my favorite time of year, simply because I get to see them, and spend time with them. We may not say it very often but, I love you guys.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am starting a challenge. I am going to blog everyday for the next 26 days, using every letter of the alphabet. Stay tuned this might get interesting.

Monday, January 10, 2011

back to reality

It’s the first day of spring semester here in the tundra and it just wouldn’t be Crookston without waking up to more snow. Yup, more snow. Even in college students, I think, get excited for the first day of school, and not only because most classes last about 5 minutes. Seeing old friends that you haven’t seen in a month and getting to try out your new Christmas presents is always a plus. I even went through the trouble of drying my hair for such a day. So, as I unpack for the next two weeks because I seem to bring everything I own whenever I go somewhere and Stella enjoys her freedom again, I hope all of you are reflecting on a great holiday season and the people who you love, that you got to spend it with.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"I guess that's why they call it sin city..."

Vegas for your 21st birthday, crazy. Well, crazy is what I experienced for four short days. I turned 21 on December 28th, 2010 and celebrated the way I have planned for 2 years. No I did not get hammered drunk and get married in a shady chapel as some of you may think but, we were tempted. We did however walk around looking for the famous hangover spots.   I had my first legal drink at midnight which you can’t do in Minnesota and continued to drink my strawberry margaritas the rest of the day. If anyone is reading this and loves me so much they want to buy me a present (mom &dad) a margarita maker would be super! Anyways it was a trip I will never forget with the people I love the most. It was definitely worth the wait and it still hasn’t hit me that I can buy for myself :) We experienced a few different things in Vegas including, being broke, rollercoaster’s on top of over 100 story buildings, and I learned I am deathly afraid of heights. The escalators outside were scaring me. But, all in all we survived I believe we all came back with a little money thanks to the fish game, and we made some great memories that we will never forget.
Our hotel, The Luxor