Wednesday, August 24, 2011


if this dog could talk.

bio 1009

So, it's my second day of school for the fall semester and I have placed myself in a 1000 level class. For those of you who don't know what that means, one word, FRESHMAN. I am surrounded by people who are four years younger than me and do not know a single person. If this isn't a lesson in doing things right the first time, I don't know what is. Oh, and my teacher's name is Ms. Elf and she looks like she practices which craft, which just adds more humor to this sticky situation.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I'm leeeeeeeving on a jet plane....

TOMORROW!! Tim and I are boarding a plane to California to see my favorite, Kelly Bestul and of course Erik too :) I am sooo excited and so is Tim, considering he has never seen an ocean! Our days will be filled with beaches and sun and to me is the perfect way to end the summer! And I do mean end of summer considering I get home about 36 hours before my first class of the semester, and did I mention I have nothing packed for school...? oops! oh well, nothing but a worry free week before a long 4 months :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

my trusty steed.

Rumer did it again! She will once again be returning to the 4H State Horse Show! Congrats to Keri on an awesome show and hopefully be able to win back to back western pleasure championships! This horse is simply a dream, and I have missed her these past few days. Can't wait for September!