Saturday, September 24, 2011

202 miles.

So, I hadnt seen Tim in three weeks, and for those of you who have had to deal with me in these past three weeks, thank you. I had 24 hours to see my boyfriend and I was bound and determined to make it happen. I left Crookston at noon on friday and Milan at noon on Saturday, that is a total of seven hours of driving. For normal people thats crazy, but I look at it as a trip to Winona. It was worth every minute I had to spend in the car just for a simple hug from someone who means the world to me. We have three more weeks till we see eachother again,  so bear with me people! On a lighter note we bought a house! I love this song, and Tim, I miss you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

rume rume shines again

This weekend is the annual MN 4-H State Horse Show! WOOHOO!!! Even though I am too old to compete :( Rumer isn't, and will once again be making her final debut! My friend Katie's little sister Keri (or according to my biology teacher, my little sister) will be showing Rumer in the all around events and has added pressure to continue on Rumers success, with winning a class, or two :) I have mixed emotions about going, good and bad. I'm over joyed to be going again, considering I think it is the best show of the season, besides all the drama. I am a little sad to be watching Rumer shine with out me, but, will be one happy girl knowing she will do awesome! I am so blessed to have such an awesome horse that not only I have had great success, but, that I have someone else that can share and have the same opportunities to have one of the greatest experiences of my life, winning a state title :) GO KERI!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

just another manic monday..

I can almost guarantee this will be in your head for the rest of the day :) you're welcome!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

366 days

Tim came to see me this last Friday and just left this morning :( It was our one year anniversary yesterday! WOOHOO!!! We went to Fargo to eat dinner and just hang out, and of course we had to stop at sears in the mall so I could check out the clearance section for my favorite brands :) Over all it was a great day and I was so happy we could spend it together even though we are three and half hours away from each other. I would have posted a picture with this post but those didn't turn out so comment. But, I should probably get back to my creative writing class which reminds me everyday that I have nothing creative or interesting to write about my life.