Sunday, October 30, 2011


The things this dog puts up with :) but, isnt he the cutest thing ever?!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So, last night was my first official night of working at my new job. Well, after a meltdown in front of my manager, and only two tables later, I was feeling pretty down. I made about $34 which for only two tables isn’t too shabby. May I also mention that none of us were really trained in on ANYTHING, and pretty much just told to go for it...anyways I couldn’t sleep last night because I was terrified of going back, I mean when you cry on the first day, it’s not like you’re going back to Disneyworld. So, after some sleep and class it was time to go back. I got all ready and left hoping for the best! I got a section in the bar with one of my now new friends Meghan, so I was feeling pretty confident. The bartenders were super cool and I had four high top tables with about 3-4 stools on each, I thought, I got this! Well I did :) I walked out tonight with about $140 in tips and worked for about six. Granted the last hour i did practically nothing except wait for my table of four, who I thought for sure was going to run the bud light keg dry! Overall it was great and I am now super excited to go back tomorrow, oh yeah, and the next day. Unlike my other job I have found people who I like and would consider being friends with. So, after work me and my new friend Alex sat and had some margaritas while these three drunk guys hit on us haha, needless to say it was a pretty good night. It is now 12:30 am and I am just getting home pretty much, and have a lab book to work on and 8 am class. Even Stella is making all sorts of noise in my room and I could really care less J

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Yes mother, I know this is your all time FAVORITE blog post! I'm glad you're soo proud :) on a lighter note...yes, I got a tattoo, which for those of you who know me it shouldn't be a huge shocker. Considering what my ears look like which, again, mother soo proud :) It says "never a failure, always a lesson" yes it does mean something to me. I have gone through a lot to get where I am today in my education and although I have felt like I have failed I was only learning along the way. And it was either this or I love Kelly Bestul, which was a close second ;) and no Ann I don't know how to rotate it..

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This is what happens when we havent seen eachother in 5 days. Or, in some cases, 5 minutes. Welcome to my life...